ADM Farm Direct Fertilizer Marketing Case Study

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Who They Are

ADM is a global leader in human and animal nutrition and the world’s leading agricultural origination and processing company. A division of ADM, Farm Direct Fertilizer is designed for farmers who want more control of their crop inputs, margins and profitability. It leverages the company’s leadership in commodities trading and logistics to offer farmers crop nutrients at market prices and the ability to lock in prices up to 12 months in advance of delivery.

Services Used

Marketing Communications Planning / Creative Development / Video Production / Social Media Strategy / Owned Media Strategy / Earned Media Strategy

The Challenge

Farmers have typically purchased fertilizer through retailers who provide storage and application services for them. Unfortunately, purchasing through retailers annually means they must pay retail prices during periods of highest demand and pricing.

ADM Farm Direct Fertilizer is a paradigm shift for farmers. No longer at the mercy of retail prices, farmers can register to use an ADM online portal to monitor fertilizer prices and make fertilizer purchases. With a game changing process and a relatively low level of brand awareness, ADM looked to Meyocks to help grow the Farm Direct Fertilizer brand.

How We Helped

Meyocks dug in and developed a marketing communication strategy to drive farmer awareness about the unique benefits of ADM Farm Direct Fertilizer and encourage them to sign up for the portal. We developed new paid, social and owned creative content to position the brand in a way that leaned into the independent nature of farmers as well as a solution to their perpetual challenge of maximizing profitability.

Paid media creative included digital display, social advertising, paid search, print and radio. Meyocks also issued multiple press releases and conducted media training and media outreach to promote the brand, a new fertilizer terminal and a new fertilizer product.

What We Achieved

Using a comprehensive paid media strategy, Meyocks was able to both increase brand awareness and drive traffic to the online portal.

  • Media promoting the ADM Farm Direct brand drove 75% of new user traffic to, which is also shared with ADM Grain and Farmer Services.
  • Media focused on directing traffic to register to use the ADM Fertilizer portal accounted for 40% of all goal completions on — resulting in the most sign-ups to use the portal in the history of its business.
  • Video views of Meyocks-created content accounted for 33% of all views on the ADM Farmer Services channel on ADM’s YouTube channel.
  • To date, ADM Farm Direct Fertilizer has had its biggest sales year in the history of the business.

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